You have penned down a series of poems and poetry, but now you long for the world to know the ambition that rests within yourself. To get the liable fame and recognition that is well deserved, you need to revolve your inked papers into a bound professional poetry book. You will become a reputed author as soon as you will be able to produce a quality book that will be worth reading by mass.
It is undoubtedly no easy undertaking to get your poetry book published, but it can be made easy by a number of methodological ways, followed by a set of common instructions.
Assembling your poetry book the right way is a challenge in itself. Doing this chore by bestowing it the adequate amount of time and keeping the right mindset awaken, you can successfully be able to come up with a pretty precise book.
Before you begin to start the procedure of publishing your poetry book and assembling it into a logical fashion, it is necessary to score a pitch for your work before. It is highly advisable for the poets to build a track record of their publications in magazines and literary resources before racing out to the publishers. This will enable you to gain confidence in your work and an increase in the popularity of your effort among the audience.
To help you submit your poetry to literary sources, below is mentioned a great guide to let your poetry achieve increased chances of acceptance from the editors.
Steps To Submit Your Poetry To Literary Journals
Write, Write And Write Good
There is no doubting that your work is good. It definitely is. The idea is to read the poetry and versus published in the magazine. This will help you in understanding where your poetry ranks and how it stacks up among the rest. This process will improve your technique in engaging modern aesthetics. By doing this, you will also be supporting the underfunded literary sources and magazines that are helping the new voices to emerge. Be confident and courageous of your work and achieving this will be your first step towards success.
Research Markets
In order to reach and address the right target market, you need to be able to locate it first. In order to do this, initiate by doing thorough research of the journals written online. Take your time for this one. Once you are done the tracing, reevaluate your finding to be precise and certain about it. Look for;
Reading Dates
Calls For Submission – Themes And Topics They Cater
Editorial Preferences
Choose The Best For Submissions
As a common practice, no literary magazine accepts the submission of poems exceeding five. Though it is not necessary that the poems be related to each other in regard to their theme or the topic.
Format And Proofread The Poetry
You will have to avoid the stuffing of multiple fonts and fancy writing styles. Keep the fonts simple and traditional.
On every piece of the poetry, write all your details clearly. It should include your name and your contact info. If your poetry consists of more than one page, do not forget to write the respective page number in order.
Write Your Cover Letter
Again for the cover letter, you need to keep it simple and precise. List down all the titles of the poems that you are submitting, include a brief professional bio about yourself, and seal it right with a courteous closure. It is better to take fewer risks and act not so experimental especially if you are a beginner.
Keep The Track
You need to have an open heart for it and be ready to face many rejections after sending endless submissions to varied journal and magazine platforms. It is the part of the process to receive many rejections after many submissions. What you need to do is to keep a dedicated track of who has rejected what, of who is reading what, who complimented your work and who inquires about seeing more of your work in future. This way you will easily be able to figure out where to send more of your work successfully.
Do It All Over Again
In order to get your poetry accepted, you will need to regularly and habitually practice making submissions. What you need to do is to fortify yourself, stay determined and let the world know you are not backing up that easy!
The more strong and prominent social recognition you will achieve before publication, the chances of making your book a success will be increased. So keep your head high and struggle today and the rest of the following ways will become easier and easier.